A Great Sign for IoT: IGEL Steps into the Internet of Things via Collaboration with LG Electronics

By Alex Passett June 10, 2024

IGEL is on a mission: Continue fine-tuning and providing its edge operating system solution.

IGEL is critical for tens of thousands of businesses,” the company states. “Our OS connects endpoints to the cloud for millions of devices in healthcare, education, retail, banking, manufacturing, government and beyond.” Tools like IGEL’s that empower bona fide operational successes are of great importance in an age where it seems like everything’s going digital.

That raises a great follow-up question, then – what about IGEL and the Internet of Things?

As of just last week, we now have an answer:

IGEL has proudly announced a new objective – to deliver a secure, seamless and engaging digital experience in IoT. By collaborating with industry giant LG Electroncs’ LG Business Solutions, it’s preparing to make complete this very objective.

The long-story-short of it today, readers?

New commercial displays from LG are being powered by the IGEL OS, marking the company’s entry into IoT.

By covering these bases – what powers the IoT-enabled signage and how secure these technologies become – IGEL is looking to make itself known in the space, and this collab with LG seems like a wise one.

“LG's commercial display solutions are revolutionizing how organizations manage, process and communicate information to the masses in various vertical markets," said Jim Airdo, Senior Vice President of Strategic Alliances at IGEL. "Our strategic collaboration opens doors for customers from health care and ultimately other industries, empowering them to create seamless digital environments that captivate and inform audiences, essentially without risk or compromise."

Learn more about IGEL OS and LG’s devices by reading here.

Edited by Greg Tavarez

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